Limen 9 (2024/1)
Roy H. Beck: The Emancipation Reclamation: The Forgotten Story of the Immigration Act of 1924 and How It Propelled Black Americans into the Middle Class download
Nayla Rush: The Biden-Harris Administration’s Makeover of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program download
Nicolas Pouvreau-Monti: Immigration and Islam in France: how do they interact? download
Árpád Párducz: Non-Interlocking Pieces: The Migration Policy Puzzle of the
Scholz Government download
Book review by Ildikó Kaposi Guarding the Gates of Europe: The Hungarian Approach to Migration (Migration Research Institute, Budapest 2024) download
Limen 7-8 (2023/1-2)
Mark Krikorian: The End of Asylum download
Jim Robb: America’s Enormous Hispanic Population Is Shifting to the Right Politically with Vast Consequences for the United States download
Eric A. Ruark: Immigration, Population Growth, and the “Environment” download
Nicolas Pouvreau-Monti: Integration and demographic challenges in France: an overview download
Sára Kmeczkó: The Gateway or the Bastion? Tunisia’s role in stemming the flow of Europe-bound migration download
Róbert Gönczi: The Instrumentalization of Migration in the Arctic Circle: The Re-emergence of the Northern Migration Route and its Significance in the Russian Hybrid Military Toolbox download
Book recommendation by Sára Kmeczkó
Omar Sayfo – Viktor Marsai – Kristóf György Veres: Whose Space Is It? Parallel Societies and Urban Enclaves in Western Europe.
MCC Press, Budapest 2024. download
Limen 6 (2022/2)
Viktor Marsai: Gatekeeper countries – Key to stopping illegal immigration download
Sára Kmeczkó: Further Externalization of EU Migration Policy: The Reinforced Gatekeeping Role of North African States download
Árpád Párducz:Mandatory or Discretionary Admission? – The Relocation Agreements of The European Union download
Meszár Tárik – Klaudia Tóth: Europe’s Bastion: The Role of Morocco in the Migration System of the Western Mediterranean region download
Paul Maritz: “Beefing-Up” the border: Considering the ANC’s new vigour download
Book recommendation by Omar Sayfo
Jake Bittle: The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration.
Simon & Schuster, 2023 download
Book recommendation by Klaudia Tóth
Ingrid Boas: Climate Migration and Security: Securitisation as a Strategy in Climate Change Politics.
Routledge, 2017 93 download
Limen 5 (2022/1)
Andrew Arthur: The Oversized Role of Title 42 in U.S. Southwest Border Security download
Viktor Marsai – Nikolett Pénzváltó (eds): Ukrainian refugees and their initial situation in the European Union download
Nikolett Pénzváltó: From Besieger to Gatekeeper? – An Insight into the Relationship between Hungary and Turkey download
Meszár Tárik: Aid activities of Hungary Helps in the Middle East download
Omar Sayfo: “Islamophobia”, or is it Permissible to Criticise Islam? download
Book recommendation by Viktor Marsai: Nikolett Pénzváltó: Turkey’s Russian roulette. MCC Press, Budapest, 2022. download
Book recommendation by Kristóf György Veres: Roy Beck: Back of the Hiring Line. A 200-year history of immigration surges, employer bias, and depression of Black wealth. NumbersUSA, Arlington, Virginia, 2021. download
Limen 4 (2021/2)
Orsolya Ferencz: Climate change and other global crises viewed from space download
Calum T. Nicholson: ‘Climate Migration’: what role for research in the age of post-truth? download
Ede Énekes – Imre Porkoláb: Social and Cognitive Domain Influence in Migration Networks download
Getachew Zeru – Tewolde Tsehaye: Irregular Migration of Ethiopian Youths to Saudi Arabia: The Case of Atsibi Wonberta Woreda of Tigray Regional State download
Book recommendation by Klaudia Tóth: Frank Füredi: Why Borders Matter? Why Humanity Must Relearn the Art of Drawing Boundaries. Routledge, 2020. download
Kristóf György Veres: The Hijacking of Asylum: Responses in the U.S. and Europe download
Limen 3 (2021/1)
Johan Lundberg: Swedish clans, criminal networks and the failure of postmodern theory download
Gordon Ochieng’ Ogutu: Refugee Host Community Development in Kenya: Approaches and Challenges download
Márk Vargha: Before the judges. The journey of anti-immigration Matteo Salvini to the courtrooms download
Szabolcs Janik: How EU citizens see the issue of migration – results of an EU-wide representative research download
Péter Kövecsi-Oláh: Muslim refugees in the process of state and society building – Turkish examples from the 19-20th century download
Interview with International Jurist José Luis Bazán Ph.D., on Christian persecution in Africa download
Pope Francis: Let Us Dream: The path to a Better Future. Simon & Schuster, 2020. (160 pages) Review by Márk Vargha download
Strategies of Resilience – Conference on Climate Change, Migration and Adaptation. Report by Kristóf György Veres download
Limen 2 (2020/2)
Nikolett Pénzváltó: How Strong is Turkey’s Refugee Card? Lessons learned from the events of February-March 2020 download
István Tarrósy: Africans in China: The Migration-Related Consequences of China’s “African Policy” download
Rashed Daher: Crisis on the edge of Europe. Migration and self-defense in Hungary download
José Luis Bazán: Objectification of the Human Body and Trafficking in Human Beings: Postmodern mentalities and the Impotence of the Law download
David Engels: Demagogy, Destruction and Manipulation. Putting the 2020 Riots into a Comparatist Historical Perspective download
Tamás Dezső: Demography and Migration. Population boom in the Muslim world: causes and consequences download
Tamás Dezső: Foreign Terrorist Fighters in the Islamic State
Abdessamad Belhaj: Burden Bearing, Burden Exporting: The Global Compact for Migration as Seen from the Arab World
Szabolcs Janik: The Economic Impacts of the Migration Wave in Europe
Viktor Marsai: Climate Change, Africa and Migration
Hanga Horváth-Sántha – Bianka Speidl: “Stuck in One Place”
László Bernát Veszprémy: Immigration and Antisemitic Incidents: An Overview from West and North Europe
Márk Vargha: Closing the Doors – Paradigm Shift in the Danish Migration Policy
Hanga Horváth-Sántha – Bianka Speidl: The Political Expansion of Islam
László Bernát Veszprémy: A Peculiar Alliance: Progressive Parties and Muslim Voters in Certain Western European Countries
Márk Vargha: A Snapshot of the Migration Situation in Finland
A szerkesztőbizottság tagjai: Dezső Tamás, Marsai Viktor,
Orbán Balázs, Sayfo Omar, Vargha Márk
Főszerkesztő: Marsai Viktor igazgató, Migrációkutató Intézet
Kiadó: Dezső Tamás főigazgató, Migrációkutató Intézet
Pf. 155, 1518 Budapest
©Migrációkutató Intézet
ISSN: 2732-0200
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In the bibliography: Covey, Stephen (1989). “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Free Press, Budapest.
In the footnote: Covey 1989, p. 33.
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In the bibliography: Van der Merwe, Justin – Bond, Patrick – Dodd, Nicole (eds.) (1997). “BRICS and Resistance in Africa. Contention, Assimilation and Co-optation.” Zed Books, London.
In the footnore: Van der Merwe – Bond – Dodd 1997.
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In the bibliography: Wieseke, Jan et al (2014). “Willing to Pay More, Eager to Pay Less: The Role of Customer Loyalty in Price Negotiations.” Journal of Marketing, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 17-37.
In the footnote: Wieseke et al 2014, p. 20.
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In the bibliography: Tarrósy István (2019). “The Belt and Road Initiative and Eastern Africa.” In: Van der Merwe, Justin – Bond, Patrick – Dodd, Nicole (eds.) “BRICS and Resistance in Africa. Contention, Assimilation and Co-optation.” Zed Books, London, pp. 170-186.
In the footnote: Tarrósy 2019, p. 175.
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In the bibliography: Sengupta, Somini (2019). “Global Warming Is Helping to Wipe Out Coffee in the Wild.” The New York Times, 16 Jan. 2019. Source: Accessed on 17 Nov. 2019.
In the footnote: Sengupta 2019.
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In the bibliography: Reuters (2020). “Bolton prepared to testify in U.S. Senate impeachment trial: statement.” 6 Jan. 2020. Source: Accessed on 7 Jan. 2020.
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