Limen 9 (2024/1)
Roy H. Beck: The Emancipation Reclamation: The Forgotten Story of the Immigration Act of 1924 and How It Propelled Black Americans into the Middle Class download
Nayla Rush: The Biden-Harris Administration’s Makeover of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program download
Nicolas Pouvreau-Monti: Immigration and Islam in France: how do they interact? download
Árpád Párducz: Non-Interlocking Pieces: The Migration Policy Puzzle of the
Scholz Government download
Book review by Ildikó Kaposi Guarding the Gates of Europe: The Hungarian Approach to Migration (Migration Research Institute, Budapest 2024) download
Limen 7-8 (2023/1-2)
Mark Krikorian: The End of Asylum download
Jim Robb: America’s Enormous Hispanic Population Is Shifting to the Right Politically with Vast Consequences for the United States download
Eric A. Ruark: Immigration, Population Growth, and the “Environment” download
Nicolas Pouvreau-Monti: Integration and demographic challenges in France: an overview download
Sára Kmeczkó: The Gateway or the Bastion? Tunisia’s role in stemming the flow of Europe-bound migration download
Róbert Gönczi: The Instrumentalization of Migration in the Arctic Circle: The Re-emergence of the Northern Migration Route and its Significance in the Russian Hybrid Military Toolbox download
Book recommendation by Sára Kmeczkó
Omar Sayfo – Viktor Marsai – Kristóf György Veres: Whose Space Is It? Parallel Societies and Urban Enclaves in Western Europe.
MCC Press, Budapest 2024. download
Limen 6 (2022/2)
Viktor Marsai: Gatekeeper countries – Key to stopping illegal immigration download
Sára Kmeczkó: Further Externalization of EU Migration Policy: The Reinforced Gatekeeping Role of North African States download
Árpád Párducz:Mandatory or Discretionary Admission? – The Relocation Agreements of The European Union download
Meszár Tárik – Klaudia Tóth: Europe’s Bastion: The Role of Morocco in the Migration System of the Western Mediterranean region download
Paul Maritz: “Beefing-Up” the border: Considering the ANC’s new vigour download
Book recommendation by Omar Sayfo
Jake Bittle: The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration.
Simon & Schuster, 2023 download
Book recommendation by Klaudia Tóth
Ingrid Boas: Climate Migration and Security: Securitisation as a Strategy in Climate Change Politics.
Routledge, 2017 93 download
Limen 5 (2022/1)
Andrew Arthur: The Oversized Role of Title 42 in U.S. Southwest Border Security download
Viktor Marsai – Nikolett Pénzváltó (eds): Ukrainian refugees and their initial situation in the European Union download
Nikolett Pénzváltó: From Besieger to Gatekeeper? – An Insight into the Relationship between Hungary and Turkey download
Meszár Tárik: Aid activities of Hungary Helps in the Middle East download
Omar Sayfo: “Islamophobia”, or is it Permissible to Criticise Islam? download
Book recommendation by Viktor Marsai: Nikolett Pénzváltó: Turkey’s Russian roulette. MCC Press, Budapest, 2022. download
Book recommendation by Kristóf György Veres: Roy Beck: Back of the Hiring Line. A 200-year history of immigration surges, employer bias, and depression of Black wealth. NumbersUSA, Arlington, Virginia, 2021. download
Limen 4 (2021/2)
Orsolya Ferencz: Climate change and other global crises viewed from space download
Calum T. Nicholson: ‘Climate Migration’: what role for research in the age of post-truth? download
Ede Énekes – Imre Porkoláb: Social and Cognitive Domain Influence in Migration Networks download
Getachew Zeru – Tewolde Tsehaye: Irregular Migration of Ethiopian Youths to Saudi Arabia: The Case of Atsibi Wonberta Woreda of Tigray Regional State download
Book recommendation by Klaudia Tóth: Frank Füredi: Why Borders Matter? Why Humanity Must Relearn the Art of Drawing Boundaries. Routledge, 2020. download
Kristóf György Veres: The Hijacking of Asylum: Responses in the U.S. and Europe download
Limen 3 (2021/1)
Johan Lundberg: Swedish clans, criminal networks and the failure of postmodern theory download
Gordon Ochieng’ Ogutu: Refugee Host Community Development in Kenya: Approaches and Challenges download
Márk Vargha: Before the judges. The journey of anti-immigration Matteo Salvini to the courtrooms download
Szabolcs Janik: How EU citizens see the issue of migration – results of an EU-wide representative research download
Péter Kövecsi-Oláh: Muslim refugees in the process of state and society building – Turkish examples from the 19-20th century download
Interview with International Jurist José Luis Bazán Ph.D., on Christian persecution in Africa download
Pope Francis: Let Us Dream: The path to a Better Future. Simon & Schuster, 2020. (160 pages) Review by Márk Vargha download
Strategies of Resilience – Conference on Climate Change, Migration and Adaptation. Report by Kristóf György Veres download
Limen 2 (2020/2)
Nikolett Pénzváltó: How Strong is Turkey’s Refugee Card? Lessons learned from the events of February-March 2020 download
István Tarrósy: Africans in China: The Migration-Related Consequences of China’s “African Policy” download
Rashed Daher: Crisis on the edge of Europe. Migration and self-defense in Hungary download
José Luis Bazán: Objectification of the Human Body and Trafficking in Human Beings: Postmodern mentalities and the Impotence of the Law download
David Engels: Demagogy, Destruction and Manipulation. Putting the 2020 Riots into a Comparatist Historical Perspective download
Tamás Dezső: Demography and Migration. Population boom in the Muslim world: causes and consequences download
Tamás Dezső: Foreign Terrorist Fighters in the Islamic State
Abdessamad Belhaj: Burden Bearing, Burden Exporting: The Global Compact for Migration as Seen from the Arab World
Szabolcs Janik: The Economic Impacts of the Migration Wave in Europe
Viktor Marsai: Climate Change, Africa and Migration
Hanga Horváth-Sántha – Bianka Speidl: “Stuck in One Place”
László Bernát Veszprémy: Immigration and Antisemitic Incidents: An Overview from West and North Europe
Márk Vargha: Closing the Doors – Paradigm Shift in the Danish Migration Policy
Hanga Horváth-Sántha – Bianka Speidl: The Political Expansion of Islam
László Bernát Veszprémy: A Peculiar Alliance: Progressive Parties and Muslim Voters in Certain Western European Countries
Márk Vargha: A Snapshot of the Migration Situation in Finland
Editorial Board: Tamás Dezső, Dominika Györgyi, Sára Kmeczkó, Viktor Marsai, Omar Sayfo, Meszár Tárik
International Advisory Board: Maxime Aymar (Observatoire de l’immigration et de la démographie), Nicolas Pouvreau-Monti (Observatoire de l’immigration et de la démographie), Mark Krikorian (CIS), Jim Robb (NumbersUSA), Eric Ruark (NumbersUSA), Nayla Rush (CIS)
Publisher: Tamás Dezső (Director General, Migration Research Institute)
P.O.Box 155, H-1518 Budapest, Hungary
©Migration Research Institute
ISSN: 2732-0200

Papers should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words long, single spaced, typed in Times New Roman 12.
Please include a short abstract (cca. 100-200 words) and 3-5 keywords with your submission.
Limen adopted in 2025 the notes and bibliography variety of the Chicago style for source citations.
Book with Single Author
- Strayed, Wild, 261, 265.
Strayed, Cheryl. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2012.
Book with Single Editor: Shortened form notes do not include ed.
- Daum, Selfish, 134-35.
Daum, Meghan, ed. Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids. New York: Picador, 2015.
Book with Multiple Authors
Book with two authors: only the first-listed name is inverted in the bibliography entry.
- Grazer and Fishman, Curious Mind, 190.
Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
Book with three authors:
- Berkman, Bauer, and Nold, Prison Blossoms…
Berkman, Alexander, Henry Bauer, and Carl Nold. Prison Blossoms: Anarchist Voices from…
Book with four or more authors: list all the authors in the bibliography entry, same as for two or three authors. In the note, however, cite only the name of the first-listed author, followed by et al.
- Hacek et al., Mediated Lives…
Organization as author
If there is no personal author’s name on the title page, the organization is listed as author, even if it is also given as publisher.
University of Chicago Press. The Chicago Manual of Style. 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017.
Chapter in an Edited Book
- Gould, “Streisand as Schwarzkopf,” 309.
Gould, Glenn. “Streisand as Schwarzkopf.” In The Glenn Gould Reader, edited by Tim Page, 308-11. New York: Vintage Books, 1984.
Journal Articles
- Bagley, “Loving Someone in Particular,” 501.
Bagley, Benjamin. “Loving Someone in Particular.” Ethics 125, no. 2 (January 2015): 477-507.
Articles consulted online:
- Liu, “Beholding the Feminine Sublime,” 312.
Liu, Jui-Ch’i. “Beholding the Feminine Sublime: Lee Miller’s War Photography.” Signs 40, no. 2 (Winter 2015): 308-19.
Many of the guidelines for citing journals apply to magazines also:
Walker, Mandy. “Secrets to Stress-Free Flying.” Consumer Reports, October 2016.
Magazine articles consulted online
Include a URL at the end of a citation or, if no suitable URL is available, the name of the database.
Karl Vick, “Cuba on the Cusp,” Time, March 26, 2015,
Henry William Hanemann, “French as She Is Now Spoken,” Life, August 26, 1926, 5, ProQuest.
Magazine articles downloaded using a specific app should cite the name of the application or device used to acquire or read the article.
Adam Gopnik, “Trollope Trending,” New Yorker (iPhone app), May 4,2015.
Basic citation format for newspaper articles: name of the author (if known) and the headline or column heading in a daily newspaper are cited much like the corresponding elements in magazines. The month (often abbreviated), day, and year are the indispensable elements.
To cite an article consulted online, include the URL or, if no suitable URL is available, the name of the database.
Editorial, Philadelphia Inquirer, July 30,1990.
Mike Royko, “Next Time, Dan, Take Aim at Arnold,” Chicago Tribune, September 23,1992.
David G. Savage, “Stanford Student Goes to Supreme Court to Fight for Her Moms,” Los Angeles Times, April 27, 2015, Nation,
John Myers, “Invasive Faucet Snails Confirmed in Twin Ports Harbor,” Duluth (MN) News-Tribune, September 26, 2014, EBSCOhost.
Electronic Books
For clear identification, authors should indicate which format (EPUB, PDF, etc.) of an e-book was consulted, or which application or device was used to read an e-book.
Bibliography entry:
Begley, Adam. Updike. New York: Harper, 2014. iBooks.
Begley, Adam. Updike. New York: Harper, 2014. Kindle.
Begley, Adam. Updike. New York: Harper, 2014. Google Play Books.
Borel, Brooke. Infested: How the Bed Bug Infiltrated Our Bedrooms and Took Over the World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. Adobe Digital Editions EPUB.
Books consulted online
- Lystra, Dangerous Intimacy, 60-61.
Lystra, Karen. Dangerous Intimacy: The Untold Story of Mark Twain’s Final Years. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. http://ark.cdlib.Org/ark:/13030/kt8779q6kr/.
For books consulted through a commercial library database, list the name of the commercial database rather than the URL.
Borel, Brooke. Infested: How the Bed Bug Infiltrated Our Bedrooms and Took Over the World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. EBSCOhost.
Access dates
Because an access date – the self-reported date on which an author consulted a source – is of limited value, Chicago does not require access dates in its published citations of electronic sources unless no date of publication or revision can be determined from the source.
Shortened citations versus “ibid.”
In a departure from previous editions, Chicago discourages the use of ibid, in favor of shortened citations. To avoid repetition, the title of a work just cited may be omitted.
- Morrison, Beloved, 3.
- Morrison, 18.
- Diaz, Oscar Wao, 37-38.
- Morrison, Song of Solomon, 403.
- Diaz, Oscar Wao, 152.
- Diaz, 201-2.
- Morrison, Song of Solomon, 240; Beloved, 32.