April 4, 2018

Analysis 2018/6: Radicalization into Salafi Jihadism: some patterns and profiles in Europe 2015–2017

March 7, 2018

Analysis 2018/5: The UN Compact as a catalyst of migration

March 6, 2018

Analysis 2018/4: By any other Name: No-go Zones, Rhetoric and Reality

January 25, 2018

Analysis 2018/3: Black Banners in the Western Balkans: Jihadis in Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia

January 24, 2018

Analysis 2018/2: We should stop being hypocrites

January 16, 2018

Analysis 2018/1: Reversing Migration: How effective is a Return Migration Strategy?

December 29, 2017

Analysis 2017/9: Reviewing the mechanism of refugee quotas: lessons from an economist’s point of view

November 6, 2017

Analysis 2017/8: Scarcely talked about: The intermediaries of migration

Analysis 2017/7: About the building blocks of Hungarian migration policy

Analysis 2017/6: Refugee or Refuge? Let us heed the advice of the ancestors!

September 22, 2017

Analysis 2017/5: Green, Red and Blue: Brussels in Disarray

September 20, 2017

Analysis 2017/4: Open Society and Islamism

Analysis 2017/3: Migration as an instrument of foreign policy

July 4, 2017

Analysis 2017/2: Results from field research in Lebanon and Syria

February 9, 2017

Analysis 2017/1: „Their cross is Christianity”

November 29, 2016

Analysis 2016/9: The Australian Model

November 21, 2016

Analysis 2016/8: About the Ground Gaining Efforts of the European Commission in Asylum Policy

Analysis 2016/7: Women in Muslim Society

Analysis 2016/6: Eritrea as a powder keg of irregular migration to Europe

October 24, 2016

Analysis 2016/5: Hungary and the migratory fracture

August 2, 2016

Analysis 2016/4: Mutual benefits: Islamic moral economy and Neo-Liberalism

March 30, 2016

Analysis 2016/3: The terrorist attacks in Brussels – a brief analysis

January 21, 2016

Analysis 2016/2: Is the Migration Crisis the End of the European Union as we know it?

January 13, 2016

Analysis 2016/1: Shia Militia Fighters in Europe: a dormant Threat?