Kóczán, András Imre, Viktor Marsai, István Pócza, Márk Vargha, and Ádám Vér, eds. DT 60. Migrációkutató Intézet, 2023.


Kóczán András Imre, Marsai Viktor, Pócza István, Vargha Márk és Vér Ádám, szerk. DT 60. Migrációkutató Intézet, 2023.

Tamás Dezső is a historian, Assyriologist, and college professor who has supported Mathias Corvinus Collegium in becoming a knowledge center as Director General of Migration Research Institute. This edited volume pays tribute to him on the occasion of his 60th birthday with a selection of works authored by his current and former colleagues on topics ranging from history through Assyriology to migration studies.

The book (in Hungarian) can be downloaded here