Pénzváltó, Nikolett. Törökország orosz rulettje. Versengés és együttműködés Európa peremén. MCC Press, 2022.


Pénzváltó Nikolett. Törökország orosz rulettje. Versengés és együttműködés Európa peremén. MCC Press, 2022

Turkey shoots down an intruding Russian fighter jet, but in just a few years Ankara and Moscow are shoulder to shoulder in controlling the Turkish–Syrian border. Erdogan and Putin have sided with opposing forces in the wars in Syria, Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh, but that has not stopped the Turks from buying arms from Russia despite US sanctions. What is going on? There is a changing world order in which US leadership is increasingly challenged. And there are the former empires of sultans and tzars. Both countries have a major impact on our security, and we tend to see them both through the lens of the West, more or less misunderstanding their motives. Should we fear that Turkey will turn its back on NATO and that a Russian-Turkish strategic alliance will emerge on the periphery of Europe, offering an alternative to the Western liberal order? Or is the opposite scenario more likely, and after dozens of wars in the past, will our historic rivals once again find themselves in direct military conflict with our neighbours, taking us with them? Taking advantage of its unique geographical position, Turkey is pursuing a delicate balancing policy, but it must be careful because this is a dangerous game.

The book (in Hungarian) can be purchased here