10 years after the waves of demonstrations that came to be known as the Arab Spring, the Migration Research Institute organizes a conference that aims to recollect and evaluate the recent developments in the Middle-East and North-Africa. What is the balance of the Arab Spring from a decade’s perspective? What kind of changes happened in the countries affected by the Arab Spring and what remains unchanged? What is the real significance of the events? The new waves of demonstrations that started in late 2018, which has been dubbed Arab Spring 2.0, is just a new episode of the same process, or is it a brand-new development? In what direction the Middle-East is headed? Is there a chance for a genuine political, economical, societal transformation and stabilization in the short-term or mid-term? These will be the main questions tackled by our presenters.
The date of the online event: 21/04/2021 (Wednesday) 14:00–18.00.
Zoom registration link: https://zoom.us/…/tJYucuygqzstHdEPDpkXLDu-LWu8CUZbuKha
Registration deadline: 21/04/2021 (Wednesday) 13:00
⊳ 14:00-14:05: Welcoming addresses: Szabolcs JANIK (deputy director, Migration Research Institute)
⊳ 14:05-14.20: Keynote lecture: Prof. László TRÓCSÁNYI (University of Szeged – Member of the European Parliament)
⊳ 14:20-15:20: The 10th anniversary of the Arab Spring – moderator: Kristóf VERES (MRI)
Prof. Erzsébet NAGYNÉ RÓZSA (University of Public Service, full professor): Introduction
Prof. Gamal SELIM (British University of Egypt, associate professor): 10 Years after Egypt’s January 25 Revolution: Reflections on Domestic and Regional Politics
Dr. Omar SAYFO (MRI, researcher): Syria after 10 years
Dr. Viktor MARSAI (MRI – UPS, research director): Ten Years After Gaddafi – The Libyan Conundrum

⊳ 15:20-15:30: Q&A
⊳ 15:30-15:45: Break
⊳ 15:45-17:00: Arab Spring 2.0 – moderator: Prof. Erzsébet NAGYNÉ RÓZSA
Prof. László CSICSMANN (Corvinus University, Vice-Rector for Faculty): A Second Wave of the Arab Protests: Similarities and Differences. Is there an Arab Spring 2.0?
Prof. Annette WEBER (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, senior researcher): Sudan
Prof. Walter POSCH (National Defence Academy, Wien, senior researcher): Iraq
Prof. Yahia ZOUBIR (KEDGE Business School, senior lecturer): Algeria

⊳ 17:00-17:15: Q&A
⊳ 17:15: Closing remarks